Monday, May 18, 2009

Relationship Counseling|How to End a Relationship

If you have decided it's time to move on, then you should let the other person know right off, there is no room for growth and you are not in love anymore.

It's hardly fair to keep the other person on the line with hopes of recovering love.
Too many people try to hold on to something that is dead just waiting for something better to come along.
Not a good practice. It makes for animosity on both sides. There is no good reason to continue something you know doesn't exist. It doesn't have to be devastating to end a failing relationship, for either party. Make your feelings known. Do this without an argument. Adults should be able to communicate with other adults. If you haven't learned this skill yet , perhaps you should do some soul searching as well. If your soon to be ex hasn't learned the art of communication this may very well be the instrument of the relationships demise.

I think some people are simply born different than others in the respect that they carry love too close to their heart. Others are able to freely move between one love and another. You have to wonder who is better off.

Even if you are one of the people that care deeply about another's feelings, it will do you no good emotionally or otherwise to stay in a relationship just to spare your partners feelings. The stress you put on yourself will definitely put a strain on the relationship, and may end up causing hard feelings between the 2 of you. It is always better to just have a talk with the other person and just end it.

Our society today has taught us that it's okay to be selfish. Some of us are still not comfortable with that decision. It's not okay for you to stay in a relationship that you don't want to be in. It can be emotionally and psychologically damaging for you. So if you think you're helping the other person by staying, think again.

Very seldom do both parties decide at the same time that it is best to end a realtionship, which means that someone has to make that decision alone. It may not be easy for you to let go of a person that you have been involved with for any length of time, but when you feel the need to get out , it is the best for all concerned.

One thing I may point out here is before making the decision to tell the other that it's over you may want to step back and look at everything that is going on. Don't make a hasty unthought out decision. It may devastate any chance you may have of working things out. If you have had time to clearly think it all through and you know for sure that you need to end the relationship , tell the other person that you need to talk. Be firm and to the point . Don't leave any room to mis interprete what you are telling them. Don't be mean, don't bring up all the reasons, don't argue.
Just tell them that it isn't going to work out and leave it at that. If you start with all the reasons why you want out, chances are they'll tell you they will change. This is never a good reason for staying in a bad realtionship. The odds are agianst them changing permanently. It will only be a temporary fix, and besides if you're to the point that you want out, it probably wouldn't matter anyhow.